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April 22, 2014

Julep Maven May 2014 Mystery Add On Color Spoilers

I found from some of my sources what the Julep Mystery Polish Add On color is for the May Maven box selection! It's a $4.99 add on for this month's Fresh Twist May Maven box.

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Mystery Polish Add On - Julep Bess ($14/$11.20 Maven) This polish used to be in the Savvy Deals section but was then moved back over to full price. I won't be getting this, because I already bought it a little while ago when it was $2.99 I believe!

This month's blue color, Jeanne is on the top, and the bottom is Bess.

Updated 4/21: New Julep Mavens can customize their box as much (or as little) as they like. Sign up for 1 month and pay $24.99/month, or sign up for 3 months and pay only $19.99/month! Take the style quiz and enter FREEBOX at checkout to get your first box free, just pay $2.99 for shipping!

What do you think of these new 
Julep products? Would you buy either of them? Let me know in the comments!

For all other Julep Maven reviews click here.

Julep Beauty Inc.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links!

Disclaimer: I am not responsible if you purchase or don't purchase anything based on my spoilers and receive or don't receive an item/product different from what's depicted here.


  1. YAY good thing I didn't add this to my box and I bought it already! you're right it's 2.99 before (;

    1. Yep I have it too, so I'm glad I wasn't even tempted lol!

  2. Thanks for all your spoilers! I had wanted Bess for a while but never got around to getting it, but now that I'm getting Jeanne in my Polish Lover's upgrade, I no longer feel the need for Bess. You just saved me $5. Thanks again!

    1. You are welcome! I think Jeanne will be a little lighter, but still pretty close. Plus Bess was $2.99 just a few weeks ago, I bet it will go down to that price again!

  3. Ugh, the mystery polish WAS Bess. I wish I would have seen this before ordering! It is terrible that Julep passed off older stock as part of a new collection, especially considering all of their May polishes are 5-Free and Bess is made of the older 4-free formula. You're not being very genuine with your Mavens, Julep!

    1. Yeah I think I'm kind of done with any of their mystery stuff. It's all either something I already have, or something that was just cheaper in Savvy Deals. You just have to resist!


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