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May 17, 2015

Indie Weekends: Blackbird Cosmetics Magic Trick Super Powders and Skulpting Powders Review

I knew I really wanted to do this review, but I wasn't really sure how to go about it. I mean, it's kind of pointless to swatch powders that are meant to create illusions on your face, and cover up discolorations. And even more difficult when I don't have some of the discolorations the powders are meant to conceal. But I'll try my best with this review of the Blackbird Cosmetics Magic Trick Super Powders and Skulpting Powders. Just know, this is very much a your milage may vary kind of review, because of the nature of these products. The Magic Trick Super Powders are for color correcting and oil control, and the Skulpting Powders are for contouring.

AboutBlackbird Cosmetics is owned by Maleah and based out of Ohio. They specialize in high quality matte eyeshadows. They also offer contour powders, as well as Magic Trick Super Powders which are color correcting powders. Maleah just recently introduced pressed shadow versions of the entire lineup.

Shipping - Once again, I got most of these as gifts or free samples I'm not sure how the shipping went for these.

Product Size - I have all of these products as sample bags, but they are also all available as full size jars. The Skulpting Powders are in 20g jars with a rotating sifter, and the Magic Trick Super Powders are in a 30g jar with a rotating sifter.

Free Samples - I received two free samples with my order.

Swatches are done over bare skin and blended out. Magic Trick Super Powders are blended out on the top, and packed on at the bottom of the swatch.

Magic Trick Super Powders:

Green -

This powder is meant to block any redness in the skin. These powders are meant to be used over primer, but either under or over your foundation or concealer. I tend to get a bit of redness over my cheeks sometimes, and of course some blemishes, so that's what I would use this over. Just like the matte eyeshadows, these powders are easy to blend, and very soft and creamy. Usually I apply this in between my primer and foundation layers, and then a bit more over any blemishes that are still showing through the foundation. It works well to cancel out any redness, and is probably the most used shade of these powders. I also like that these are oil absorbing, so if you have red cheeks and an oily face, this will work well to combat both problems. The only downside to this I see is that sometimes my blemishes get very dry around the edges when they're healing, so this might accentuate that a bit too much.

Orange -

This color is meant to block purple or blue, so this will work well for under eye circles. My under eye circles aren't that bad, so I don't use this one that much. And usually my under eye circles don't bother me much if they show, but if I'm trying to look my best I would use this to cover them up a bit more.

Violet -

This shade is meant to block yellow and dullness in the skin. I don't really have that at all, so I haven't had chance to try and cover it up. But if you have a foundation that is a bit too yellow it might work well to cancel out a bit of the yellow and match your skin tone a bit more. And actually now that I'm looking at it, I might try this as a highlight or blush shade, I think it might work well for that.

Translucent -

And this one is the most versatile of them all, because it's translucent on the skin. It's meant to be used as an all over finishing powder, or can be used just over oily areas of the skin. For me, my chin tends to always be oily throughout the day, so I like using this for that. It makes it matte and keeps it from looking too shiny. For others who have a generally oily T-zone, this would work well for preventing that. But in the summer, I also like using this all over the face to combat any "glistening" I tend to get with the humidity. My chin is pretty stubborn though, so I do sometimes have to apply this twice in one day. You'll want to make sure your face has been thoroughly moisturized though, as my skin has a tendency to cling to this in dry spots.

Skulpting Powders:

Lessen - "Light taupe"

I have heard rave reviews about this contour shade from other pale folks like me, and after seeing the swatch I think this one is going to work best for days when I have little to no makeup on, but want a bit of a contour. But this is probably the same shade as my foundation, or very close to it, so it probably won't show up well over that unless I really pack it on. It is nice to have a very subdued kind of contour product though, as most of the shades I own are very pigmented or too dark for my skin tone.

Remove - "Medium muted plum"

This just happened to be a free sample I received in an order, and wanted to swatch it for those who have a darker skin tone than I do. It's quite dark, so probably best for medium to dark skin tones. Definitely not going to work on my skin tone, even with a light hand as it's pretty warm toned.

Overall, I think the Magic Trick Super Powders are a very unique product and a good place to start if you want to try a translucent finishing powder, or a color correcting powder. And the Skulpting Powders were easy to blend, just like the Blackbird eyeshadows are, and there is a wide range of shades for all skin tones. I do kind of want to try the shade darker than Lessen, just to see how that looks on my skin, but otherwise I think Lessen is perfect for really pale skin tones. Especially if you don't want that noticeably contoured look, or are trying contouring for the first time.

Customer Service - I did not have to contact customer service regarding any problems with my order.

Availability - All of these products are permanent catalog items.

Overall Satisfaction - I think my most used color correcting powders will be the green and translucent. And Lessen will be best for little to no makeup days, but I think all of these are great, quality products that are worth a shot if you're interested in this category of color correcting or contour powders.

What do you think of the Blackbird Cosmetics Magic Trick Super Powders and Skulpting Powders? Let me know in the comments!

For all other Blackbird Cosmetics reviews, click here


  1. It's a little disappointing that you reviewed the magic trick powders without swatching them. I've got a sample of the orange one, but have been considering picking up the green, but I'm a little wary of it being too strong for me. Without swatches, I didn't find this review very useful, and one of the things I appreciate about your blog is how consistent your swatches are.

    1. I didn't know if swatches would be helpful! I'll try to do those today and update the review :)

    2. I definitely think they would be! It's a hard product to find any sort of of swatches for. I'll check back to see your swatches later.

    3. That was fast! Thanks for adding them. :)

  2. Thanks for reviewing these! I have the green one for some redness on my face, and it works well to do what it is supposed to. I usually use it like you, over primer but under (mineral) foundation.


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